LEAN COFFEE in May | Recap digital MEETUP

Our third digital MEETUP, in Lean Coffee format, on May 11, 2021 was described by attendees as heartfelt, inspiring and diverse.

Below you will find the results in a nutshell:

For Theme 1, the group focused primarily on networking between digital and face-to-face participants. In a hot discussion it was discussed whether and how it is possible, which formats are conceivable here and which tools can be brought into use.

In this blog article you will find experiences from our events on this topic.

The topic of resilience and new start mentality set new accents. It was about our industry starting from quasi 0 to 150. We expect an above-average capacity utilization of our industry versus missing employees or employees who have been on short-time work for almost two years and are now expected to start again.

What does it mean for participants as well as staff to hold large concerts again? How does the confinement affect them? What „panic“ might it cause? What can feel-good events look like for everyone? What rules should be followed when reopening for staff.

Feel free to read through IST’s blog article on the topic of resilience.

The topic of re-opening struck some as disillusioning: event planners are waiting for direction from our government. The group concluded that there have not been such great leaps in innovation and that, in some cases, simple technologies will suffice.

There was discussion about whether there should be a networking campaign on fear. However, this topic was not discussed further.

The next steps are: outdoor first, winning back personnel, successive expansion of the possibilities.

In group 6, tracking possibilities were discussed, mostly from the exhibitor’s perspective. The following is important: analysis, who was there, what did who do (which documents were downloaded, what was looked at, chat used, etc.), length of stay, when did who get into a presentation, how long did who listen to it, which devices do the participants use, did they chat and when? How and with what do I motivate participants to visit the booth?

The topic of fee models was examined by Group 7 from another perspective: Which target groups am I addressing? Is it more the networking oriented who want to connect with others, the information oriented or those who select their content. We now have a lot of experience with digital events. The topic of hybrid is only now really taking off. Here, too, it’s trial and error. What works, what can be adapted and how can the expected price increases for service providers be compensated. One idea, for example, was a 10-user card for compiling content yourself.

In the 8th group, there was an exchange on the topic of funding & Co. Ü3 was particularly scrutinized, but also adequate digital funding. The group agreed that it makes sense to consult a tax advisor or lawyer.

Finally, the participants discussed the following topics:

  • The desire to deepen the topics in small agile groups was expressed.
  • Our student Michelle is currently working on a student research project on COMMUNITY Building. If you would like to support her, please take 5 minutes to complete this survey.
  • The idea came up to involve even more other industries.
  • We were also particularly pleased that old acquaintances met again at our MEETUP, that everyone had fun and was able to take away new impulses from other areas, that the topic givers received open ears and food for thought, and that we were again able to welcome so many new participants.
  • As the saying goes: A family meeting with heart and cool topics.

We also had a lot of fun and are already looking forward to the continuation on June 8 and many exciting topics.

Many thanks again to Ralf Neugebauer, Unusual Thinkers and Dennis Tietz, easyCube for the great moderation.

By the way, here you can find more background information about the Lean Coffee format by Katrin Taepke. Have a read.

Kategorie: Editorial, Events
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LEAN COFFEE im Mai | Recap digitales MEETUP
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