Wenn wir uns nicht face2face treffen können, müssen neue innovative Formate ins Leben gerufen werden. So bedanke ich mich bei dem tollen Team von MEET GERMANY goes virtual für die Orga und aufsetzen dieser und meiner ersten virtuellen Messe!

MEET GERMANY is your service partner for networking and visibility, extending beyond the analog realm at our events. Our service packages facilitate in-person connections and bring Sales 2.0 to your sales organization, seamlessly integrating it with marketing efforts.
Our MEET GERMANY Membership serves as the perfect foundation. It offers numerous networking opportunities combined with digital services. Depending on your membership status, you can access personalized support and advice, extending to strategic 1:1 coaching. Additionally, exclusive discounts are available on our services.
Explore our exclusive membership packages now and unlock many advantages that will advance your business to the next level!
Contact with the Community Manager: Matchmaking (up to 3 per month) - to explore potential business opportunities and networking with relevant members
Participation in digital MeetUps incl. workshops with a focus on digital sales & marketing
Online visibility on our digital platform
Everything from the Smart package and much more:
Online Marketing: website analysis (once a year)
10 percent discount on all MEET GERMANY SUMMITS
Access to the online training library
5 percent discount on all service packages (Digital Sales & Marketing)
Everything from Smart & Plus package and much more:
Online Marketing: competitor analysis (once a year)
Concierge Service: personal support for inquiries related to event organization
Quarterly business coaching or strategy session
20 percent discount on all MEET GERMANY SUMMITS
Contact with the Community Manager: Matchmaking (up to 3 times per month) - to explore potential business opportunities and network with relevant members
Concierge Service: Personal support for inquiries related to event organization
Free participation in all MEET GERMANY SUMMITS
Participation in digital MeetUps incl. workshops in the area of digital sales & marketing
* All prices are net prices.
Note: If the contract is not canceled in writing by either party at least two months before the end of the contract term, the contract will be automatically extended for twelve months.
Wenn wir uns nicht face2face treffen können, müssen neue innovative Formate ins Leben gerufen werden. So bedanke ich mich bei dem tollen Team von MEET GERMANY goes virtual für die Orga und aufsetzen dieser und meiner ersten virtuellen Messe!
Liebes MEET GERMANY Team – Ihr seid großartig! Bis dato die beste Beteiligungsalternative für virtuelle MICE Messen nach COVID-19, die man auf dem Markt finden kann… #Vorreiter in Deutschland! Viel Erfolg und auf eine schnelle Wiederbelebung & Erholung unserer Branche.
Ein großes DANKESCHÖN für das liebevolle WIR ZUSAMMEN in der Krise an EUCH ALLE!
Vielen vielen Dank für die Impulse, News und den Austausch, den Ihr uns auf Eurem SUMMIT gegeben habt – es war großartig von Euch organisiert und inszeniert!!!
Thank you very much for the impulses, news and the exchange you gave us at your SUMMIT – it was very well organized and staged by you!!!
You have recognized and implemented the spirit of the time for the event industry quickly and very well. Through your network and your good presentation in the invitations and emails, you have been able to bring together excellent and professional networks virtually. I was able to gain great contacts from both events and I thank you for that.
The presentations and discussions were almost always up-to-date and also very interesting for us as an event location. The „entertainment“ interludes at the virtual trade fair in May were also great and sweetened my days in the home office and in short-time work.
That was a very great event yesterday. I would like to thank you and everyone involved very much. It was a pleasure to participate virtually in the event. In addition to the interesting, informative and inspiring presentations, there was also joy, a sense of optimism and closeness. That was great! Like all of us, I love to organize live events, to realize them and to experience them on site. And clearly the future is hybrid. If the virtual experience is as strong as yesterday, then the direction is just right. Thanks again! Really great!
A big THANK YOU for the loving WE TOGETHER in the crisis to YOU ALL!
Dear MEET GERMANY team – you are great! Up to now the best participation alternative for virtual MICE trade fairs after COVID-19 that you can find on the market… #Pioneer in Germany! Good luck and here’s to a fast revival & recovery of our industry.